2020’s drive may look different this year but the generosity of our community hasn’t changed. This is the finale for the toy drive collection so we can begin distributions to those in need. In lieu of the usual festivities, we are doing a drive-thru drop off then wrap around for a picture with Santa. There will be elves helping to unload your toys on the Salinas St. side of the building. Then, proceed down Howard St. into the parking lot of the PAL building for a drive-thru pic with Santa. Let’s make this fun by dressing up, decorating your car, make signs or whatever you can do to be festive for your pic. Please remain in your cars and wear a mask. If you cannot make this event, please contact us for a pick up. We will be collecting around town that day and can put you on the “nice list” for pick up! Thank you, to all that have participated in our drive. It is awesome to see our community come together in an effort to spread joy to those in need.